Bus stop woman hit by runaway trailer
From the Bolton Evening News, first published Saturday 29th Jun 1996.
A RUNAWAY trailer ploughed into a woman standing at a bus stop in a freak hit-and-run accident which left her fighting for her life.
The trailer broke free from a car travelling down the East Lancs Road in Swinton and careered onto the pavement before hitting mother of four Mrs
Maria Young, aged 41, of Sportside Avenue, Walkden.
Police said she had been waiting for a bus at the side of the busy main road.
Detectives are now hunting the driver of the car who did not stop after the accident and are appealing for witnesses.
The accident happened yesterday at 3.40pm on the East Lancs Road, close to its junction with Eccles Road.
The vehicle was travelling west bound down the carriageway when the trailer became detached.
Mrs Young was rushed to Hope Hospital with serious injuries. This morning she was described as "critical" in the intensive care unit.
Any witnesses able to help trace the vehicle - believed to be a "small, possibly light blue car" - are asked to contact PC Gerrard at Salford Traffic Unit on 0161 856 5078.
Mrs Young has three daughters, aged 20, 18, and 11, a 13 year old son, and two grandchildren
She had been to visit her eldest daughter in Swinton and was waiting for the bus to take her home when the accident happened.
Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.
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